Monday, March 16, 2015

Hillary Clinton Did Not Keep A Public Email Account At the State Department

On February 3, 2015, Jon Green published a blog on Americanblog called, “Hillary Clinton Did Not Keep A Public Email Account At the State Department.” Jon Green graduated with high honors with a B.A. in Political Science from Kenyon College. Jon work experiences include working as a field organizer with Congressman Tom Perriello and as a Regional Field Director for President Obama’s re-election campaign. Jon’s intended audience for this blog is the American Public. The general purpose of Jon’s blog is to inform the public about the misuse of personal emails from former Secretary Hillary Clinton and her team, which in theory violates The Federal Records Acts. According to Jon Green, “The Federal Records Acts require that Government correspondence on personal email accounts be preserved, which Clinton’s did not do so.” Jon goes on to explain that there are either two reasons for Hillary Clinton’s actions regarding her personal email. The first possible reason being either Clinton did not believe The Federal Record Act concerned her or that Clinton believed she could get away with breaking the law. Either way, Jon believes this controversy could be a detriment to Clinton’s potential 2016 Presidential Candidacy.

I believe Jon Green and the public have every right to feel skeptical about Hillary Clinton’s personal email accounts. The Federal Records Act was put in place for a reason and all Government officials should abide by it. Regardless if Clinton’s emails were innocent or not, she seems to have broken these rules and should have to pay the price like every other average citizen. I feel the government has every right to dig deeper into this investigation and seize all personal emails by Clinton in order to clear her name. 

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