Friday, April 17, 2015

Slight Modifications to Make Big Changes

On Friday, April 3, 2015, Stacy Ybarra wrote an article on Let Freedom Ring.. or Type called, “Slight Modifications to Make Big Changes.” Stacy’s article describes how Government funded assistance programs are beneficial to those who are in need, but these programs need to be more controlled and restricted. Stacy explains how assistance programs were put in place to temporarily support the hardships of families and not a long-term fix. I totally agree with Stacey when it comes to people abusing the government system. I have observed people who live off of these assistance programs and choose to not work or go to school and just choose to be lazy. Sorry if I offend anyone, but I think that’s pathetic. Not saying that everyone using assistance programs are guilty of abusing the system, but I’m not naive to the fact that it does happen. I believe the government share the blame as well since they don’t have harsher restrictions or limitations. Why not assist the people that are single mother’s or father’s, working full-time, going to school, who are struggling to make ends meet be helped as well? I feel people who are working full-time and going to school are more likely to wing off government assistant programs than the one’s who are not doing nothing with their lives because they become so dependent on it. It’s time to analyze and revise the system where it could assist the families in hardships, but also help them to work harder to better their lives. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Clinton’s Email Controversy Continues!

Almost a month later, Clinton’s email “scandal” is still an ongoing issue in the National News. Hillary Clinton inadvertently decided to use her personal email account during her term at the State Department because it was more “convenient” for her. Clinton claimed she did not want to deal with the hassle of having multiple phones or email accounts. More importantly, Hillary Clinton’s advisors had viewed all emails from Clinton’s personal account and turned over work related emails to the State Department as requested. Clinton then proceeded to delete the rest of her personal emails that were non-work related, which raised more questions. House Republican leaders requested Clinton to hand over her personal server to the State Department or third parties to ensure all government documents were received. Clinton’s Lawyer had stated that Hillary would not turn over her server due to the fact that she “has maintained and preserved copies of work –related, or potentially work related emails she turned over to the State Department late last year.” Before taking the next step, the House Republicans requested to speak to Hillary away from public eye to ask her questions regarding her server before subpoenaing it.

I could say that Hilary Clinton definitely made a wrong choice to use her personal email account dealing with both personal and work related issues. According to President Obama, he stated he would like for all government officials to use government accounts concerning government issues. Clinton simply made a wrong choice and now she is paying the price for it. There’s no evidence to support any wrongdoing regarding emails, but I feel she has no choice at this point to hand over her personal server to clear her name. This scandal does not seem to go away anytime soon and will probably take months to resolve. Regardless of the severity of the situation, all this seems to be bad timing for Clinton and the upcoming 2016 presidential elections.