Friday, May 15, 2015

Technology VS Society

On Thursday, April 30, 2015, Guangqing Zhang wrote an article on The Government of People called, “Technology VS Income inequality.” Guangqing’s article expresses how rapidly technology is growing and how innovations of robotics will reduce jobs in our society overtime. I agree with Guangqing when she states that the government should take more measures in regulating robotic inventions. Robots can be beneficial to society in many ways, but it also could be a disadvantage to the nations workforce. Overall, robots could be a catastrophe not only to the nation’s workforce, but also to our entire society.

I came across an article on Daily Mail that explains how robots will soon replace 25 percent of US jobs in the year 2025. As a result, millions of people could lose their jobs. The article also inquires if the American people should fear artificial intelligence. Two intelligent men named Stephen Hawk and Elon Musk expressed potential danger of robots if sufficient safeguards ARE NOT put in place. If not, “mankind could be heading to a dark future.”

I enjoyed reading Guangqing’s article because I believe people are not knowledgeable or aware of innovative technology such as robotics and how it can affect our society in many ways. Millions of people could lose their jobs, which could trigger protests and riots. Some say, “In the long term, it could have the potential to play out like a fictional dystopias in which intelligence greater than humans could begin acting against their programming.” Before you know it, the Americans could initiate a war like the movie “i,Robot.” 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Wildstein's Traffic Jam Scandal

On May 1, 2015, David Wildstein a former official of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey pled guilty to federal conspiracy charges and could faced up to two years in prison. David Wildstein, a former ally of Governor Chris Christie, was involved in the George Washington traffic scandal that took place in September 2013. The George Washington Bridge is one of the busiest bridges in the world that connects New York City to Fort Lee, New Jersey. The traffic jam was caused by shutting down two of three lanes in which consumers were held up for hours over a four-day period. Wildstein admitted fabricating a cover up story, claiming it was part of a traffic survey, but confessed it was retribution toward Mayor Mark Sokolich who rejected endorsing the re-election bid for Gov. Christie. Wildstein implicated former Christie deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly and former executive director of Port Authority Bill Baroni also appointed by Gov. Christie. Kelly and Baroni are facing up to nine counts of conspiracy, fraud, and deprivation of civil rights.

Governor Christie has stated, "I don't think that has anything much to do with me,” and said the conspiracy was “stupid.” According to the Gov. Christie, he didn’t care to have Mayor Mark Sokolich endorsement anyway.

Governor Christie has not been charged or believed to be involved at this moment. Although, I do believe Governor Christie is protecting himself and knew about the traffic jam scandal regardless if it was his idea or not to organize it. Governor Christie is a potential 2016 presidential candidate, but has not been publicly announced yet. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Slight Modifications to Make Big Changes

On Friday, April 3, 2015, Stacy Ybarra wrote an article on Let Freedom Ring.. or Type called, “Slight Modifications to Make Big Changes.” Stacy’s article describes how Government funded assistance programs are beneficial to those who are in need, but these programs need to be more controlled and restricted. Stacy explains how assistance programs were put in place to temporarily support the hardships of families and not a long-term fix. I totally agree with Stacey when it comes to people abusing the government system. I have observed people who live off of these assistance programs and choose to not work or go to school and just choose to be lazy. Sorry if I offend anyone, but I think that’s pathetic. Not saying that everyone using assistance programs are guilty of abusing the system, but I’m not naive to the fact that it does happen. I believe the government share the blame as well since they don’t have harsher restrictions or limitations. Why not assist the people that are single mother’s or father’s, working full-time, going to school, who are struggling to make ends meet be helped as well? I feel people who are working full-time and going to school are more likely to wing off government assistant programs than the one’s who are not doing nothing with their lives because they become so dependent on it. It’s time to analyze and revise the system where it could assist the families in hardships, but also help them to work harder to better their lives. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Clinton’s Email Controversy Continues!

Almost a month later, Clinton’s email “scandal” is still an ongoing issue in the National News. Hillary Clinton inadvertently decided to use her personal email account during her term at the State Department because it was more “convenient” for her. Clinton claimed she did not want to deal with the hassle of having multiple phones or email accounts. More importantly, Hillary Clinton’s advisors had viewed all emails from Clinton’s personal account and turned over work related emails to the State Department as requested. Clinton then proceeded to delete the rest of her personal emails that were non-work related, which raised more questions. House Republican leaders requested Clinton to hand over her personal server to the State Department or third parties to ensure all government documents were received. Clinton’s Lawyer had stated that Hillary would not turn over her server due to the fact that she “has maintained and preserved copies of work –related, or potentially work related emails she turned over to the State Department late last year.” Before taking the next step, the House Republicans requested to speak to Hillary away from public eye to ask her questions regarding her server before subpoenaing it.

I could say that Hilary Clinton definitely made a wrong choice to use her personal email account dealing with both personal and work related issues. According to President Obama, he stated he would like for all government officials to use government accounts concerning government issues. Clinton simply made a wrong choice and now she is paying the price for it. There’s no evidence to support any wrongdoing regarding emails, but I feel she has no choice at this point to hand over her personal server to clear her name. This scandal does not seem to go away anytime soon and will probably take months to resolve. Regardless of the severity of the situation, all this seems to be bad timing for Clinton and the upcoming 2016 presidential elections. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hillary Clinton Did Not Keep A Public Email Account At the State Department

On February 3, 2015, Jon Green published a blog on Americanblog called, “Hillary Clinton Did Not Keep A Public Email Account At the State Department.” Jon Green graduated with high honors with a B.A. in Political Science from Kenyon College. Jon work experiences include working as a field organizer with Congressman Tom Perriello and as a Regional Field Director for President Obama’s re-election campaign. Jon’s intended audience for this blog is the American Public. The general purpose of Jon’s blog is to inform the public about the misuse of personal emails from former Secretary Hillary Clinton and her team, which in theory violates The Federal Records Acts. According to Jon Green, “The Federal Records Acts require that Government correspondence on personal email accounts be preserved, which Clinton’s did not do so.” Jon goes on to explain that there are either two reasons for Hillary Clinton’s actions regarding her personal email. The first possible reason being either Clinton did not believe The Federal Record Act concerned her or that Clinton believed she could get away with breaking the law. Either way, Jon believes this controversy could be a detriment to Clinton’s potential 2016 Presidential Candidacy.

I believe Jon Green and the public have every right to feel skeptical about Hillary Clinton’s personal email accounts. The Federal Records Act was put in place for a reason and all Government officials should abide by it. Regardless if Clinton’s emails were innocent or not, she seems to have broken these rules and should have to pay the price like every other average citizen. I feel the government has every right to dig deeper into this investigation and seize all personal emails by Clinton in order to clear her name.